Olin Library
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Find Apps
Current students, faculty, and staff can access resources Olin Library is subscribed to through apps that can be installed directly on your mobile device. These services are available to support you at your convenience, from leisurely reading to assisting with scholarly research.
Find Articles
The Olin Library provides access to millions of articles through . You can search an individual database, or use to simultaneously search almost all of our resources.
Find Books, Films, & More
Explore the entire collection of books, devices, films, journals, and more in a single unified search, providing item status, availability, and location.
using your FoxID and password.
The library subscribes to many databases across a wide range of subject areas. Nearly all of these databases allow for multiple simultaneous users, and can be used from off campus.
When accessing a database from off campus, you will be prompted to log in to our proxy server with your FoxID and password.
Find Journals, Magazines, and Newspapers
If you are looking for a specific journal or other serial publication, the Olin Library might have access to it through one of our many databases, through a direct link to the publisher, as a paper copy on the shelf, or in our microform collection. If you are looking for a specific article within that journal, you can search for it within a database which contains it, via .
Access additional popular magazines and scholarly journals through apps Olin Library is subscribed to on Flipster and Browzine, respectfully.
Find Library Spaces
The Olin Library offers several multi-use spaces with a variety of technology services for all students, faculty, and staff, including classrooms, computer labs, study rooms, and more.
Available during library hours, each space has access to wifi and most of these spaces can be reserved through the Rollins Scheduling and Event Services Virtual EMS. If you need assistance reserving a room, please email olinOFC@rollins.edu.
You can check out reserves at the Circulation and Information Desk by giving a Circulation staff member the professor's name and/or the course name or number. The return time varies for each reserve item, and some can't leave the library. You'll be given this information at checkout.
Research guides are created by Olin librarians and provide helpful research assistance for a variety of subjects, disciplines, and classes. Guides include links to books, online resources, and other information useful in the research process.
Through the Olin Library, you can now create, adapt, and share educational books and materials, which will be made available online as a free and openly licensed educational resource.
Rollins Scholarship Online (RSO) collects and organizes the research and scholarly output of Rollins faculty and students, and makes their work accessible to scholars and researchers worldwide. RSO also hosts journals, conferences, and other collections. RSO is administered by the Olin Library and serves as a permanent digital archive for these materials.
Documents are made available here under a non-exclusive, non-commercial license from the authors.